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Rénovation d'un appartement et salon par ITALY RENOVATION à Paris


ITALY RENOVATION: Company renovating apartments, offices and houses in Boulogne-Billancourt, Paris, and in Ile-de-France for 20 years.

Considering a complete renovation of your apartment means undertaking a major project! To guarantee success, it is crucial to define precise objectives and plan each stage of the project. It is also essential to choose an experienced and competent apartment renovation company, especially in Paris and Île-de-France. This is where Italy Renovation comes in.

Why choose apartment renovation work? Before you get started, it’s crucial to define the “why”. Clarity of your objectives allows you to determine the work required, establish a precise budget and carefully plan the intervention of a suitable apartment renovation company..

The motivations for renovating your apartment can be multiple :

  • Modernize your interior : small changes can transform an apartment, such as replacing outdated carpets with laminate flooring, using contemporary paints or adding stone cladding, giving your home a new look.

  • Optimize space : it is impossible to enlarge an apartment, but rethinking the interior can give an impression of grandeur, in particular by reconfiguring the kitchen open to the living room.

  • Create additional storage spaces : in Paris, every centimeter counts. An apartment renovation company can help you maximize storage, by installing clever cupboards in unused corners or transforming part of the bedroom into a dressing room.

  • Beautify your home : a pleasant and well-appointed interior plays an essential role in the well-being of its occupants.

  • Bring installations up to standard: renovation can include upgrading the electricity or gas network, guaranteeing the safety of occupants, especially for rental accommodation.

  • Reduce energy consumption: renovation can also focus on energy optimization of old Parisian housing, thus reducing energy expenses.

  • Prepare for rental: if you aim to rent your property, renovation is often necessary to comply with standards and ensure a profitable investment.


Whatever your project, it is essential to consult a specialized company like Italy Rénovation, while carefully planning your operations.

How to plan an apartment renovation?

Setting a goal is essential, but planning is just as crucial to achieving it. Here are the steps to follow to plan your apartment renovation work:

  • Prioritize work: separate urgent work from secondary interventions according to your budget.

  • Establish an intervention timeline: certain jobs depend on each other, so the order of execution is crucial for an effective renovation.

  • Determine the stakeholders: divide the tasks between the professionals and what you can do yourself.

  • Hire the right craftsmen: call on specialized professionals for each aspect of your project, or entrust this management to a competent apartment renovation company.

  • Provide temporary accommodation: if you live in the apartment being renovated, plan a temporary place of residence during the work.

Rules to follow during an apartment renovation Apartment renovation involves respecting several rules: the agreement of the co-ownership, maintaining the cleanliness of common areas, prior information of neighbors, among others.

Working with an apartment renovation company familiar with these constraints ensures that you comply with current regulations..

How to choose your apartment renovation company?

Choosing the company that will carry out your work is crucial. This is why Italy Rénovation is committed to three fundamental aspects :

  • Quality of work : we operate according to technical standards, using verified quality materials.

  • Speed ​​in submitting the quote: we are committed to providing you with a complete quote quickly, because your project cannot wait.

  • Respect of deadlines: we guarantee compliance with the deadlines established in the estimate, thanks to rigorous site monitoring.

Book your apartment, studio, or house renovation company for a visit and a detailed quote !

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